A Journey To Better Podcast :: with Mildred B

Top 10 Non-Diet Tips For Fat Loss

Mildred Bvundura Episode 38

Ep 38 - 10 Non-Diet Tips For Fat Loss

Incorporating the 10 tips below you can set yourself up for success for a lifetime

Losing weight and keeping it off long-term isn’t about a quick crash diet or detox — it requires creating lasting habits to lead a healthier lifestyle.
The key is lifestyle: It has to become part of who you are

Top 10 Non-Diet Tips For Fat Loss

  1. Find your WHY!
  2. Say goodbye to a perfectionist mindset
  3. Information is eveverything- Stay informed
  4. Focus on adding and not subtracting
  5. Make exercise fun
  6. Get friends and fam involved
  7. Practice self compassion
  8. Manage your stress levels
  9. Make sleep a priority
  10. Measure success beyond the scale

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