A Journey To Better Podcast :: with Mildred B

Why Do We Procrastinate, Really?

Episode 51

Ep: 51 Why Do We Procrastinate?

When you think of procrastination, is laziness the first thing that comes to mind?

Why Do We Procrastinate, Really?
...do we lack the drive, is it a boring task… do we lack the skills?  Sometimes we procrastinate because the task is just something we don’t want to do.

What's really going on when we procrastinate? 

  1. Are we feeling overwhelmed?
  2. Do we feel incompetent?
  3. Is it that we are perfectionists?
  4.  Are there some underlying mental health issues.
  5.  Or is it just a lack of interest?

Find the root cause and you’ll be able to overcome your procrastination.

Bottom-line: Always play to your strengths & likes